The Phoenix Dervish

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Alcoholism & Islam

The Noble Quran 2:219
THEY WILL ASK thee about intoxicants and games of chance. Say: "In both there is great evil as well as some benefit for man; but the evil which they cause is greater than the benefit which they bring." And they will ask thee as to what they should spend [in God's cause]. Say: "Whatever you can spare." In this way God makes clear unto you His messages, so that you might reflect

Brief explanation from my point of view:
There is benefit in wine yet the harm is greater. Just look at the social and physiological harm alcohol does to people. We know that even a little wine can hurt the fetus during pregnancy. So many rapes, murders, beatings and numerous other crimes occur due to people being drunk. Depression, Liver Cirrhosis, Heart Failure and Damage to the Brain and Nervous System are all well documented effects of alcohol.
Secondly Islam does not encourage human beings to run away from their problems by intoxicating themselves for a illusionary “quick-fix”. When non-Muslims have problems they go to their “Liquor Store” and get drunk. When we Muslims have problems we go to our “Zikar Store” (Remembrance of God as the true sustainer of everything) which provides great spiritual relief and contentment of the heart. Personally I have seen that not only has “Zikar” helped calm myself, but my problems have also been solved by the help of Allah.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Muslim - Atheist Dialogue: Part - 1

Atheist: "K so if the god exists why it is that peace is not there in this world?"

Muslim: "The entire purpose of this life is a test. This test is to see who will accept the true message of God. The argument that God should make perfect peace and perfect humans who cannot commit sin is against the concept of free will! In fact merely questioning God's existance is proof of God's gift of free will. If we start blaming God for our acts of violence and intolerance, it is not right! Consider the GMAT test. If you do not study and obtain terrible scores, you cannot say “I blame GMAT administrators” they should have passed everyone with perfect scores! If you do this you are neglecting the idea that “you” did not study! Similarly the concept of free will enables us to make our own choices, however every choice has a consequence. You have no one but yourself to blame for your actions and situations. This life is a competition to win the success of the eternal life. As with any competition there are people with different aptitudes, skills and endurance. Some will fail, some will pass, no one should blame God for their problems. Secondly if you are going to blame God, why not try the solution God has given for your success in this life and the next? Why not take up Islam for a few weeks and try to experience the pleasure in the obedience to God? I can assure you, the contentment and spiritual pleasure of prayer in Islam is such that if the Generals of the world knew it, they would fight the Muslims with all their armies for it! I do mean to say that you actually try to understand Islam, not just pay lip service to its message as many do."

More soon. . . inshAllah

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Inherent Nature of Excellence (Fitra)

In Islam there is no concept of original sin. From an Islamic perspective children are born on "fitra" or the inherent nature of excellence. Thus in Islam, people are not thought to be born sinners, they are born Muslims i.e born to the submission of God. It is the choices they make in suppressing their quest for the truth which leads them away from the true path of God. Everyone is given chances to turn to the true path of God. When someone experiences that feeling of uneasiness with their belief and practices is a sign from God to look for the truth, those who accept that window of opportunity do indeed find Islam. God has preordained which household a child is born in. However it is not an injustice to that child, as I have explained every person is given difficulties according to their ability to cope with difficulties. Thus we have the stories of people born in the houses of priests and ministers turning to Islam. I have watched a few videos of Hindus, Christians, Jews and Atheists turning to Islam. There are hundreds of such videos on the net. Thus people who have accepted their search for the truth and looked at different faiths have found Islam. Even in Texas the heartland of American Christianity, we have accounts of people converting to Islam. Even people from the US Army and Air force accepting Islam, watch it your self:

Turning Muslim in Texas (23 min)

Here is an account of a woman who was homeless, went through three different foster homes, accepted Jesus as her personal savior, was an active Christian and after all that found Islam and accepted it as the truth:

Going through three foster homes, Acceptance of Jesus as personal savior and then finding Islam

This is the most interesting one, this one is about a Protestant minister who admittedly hated Islam and Muslims, was born in a minister’s house and had a born again Christian wife. After all that he accepted Islam:

Protestant Minister, Catholic Priest and Born Again Christian Accept Islam

The true Message of God is out there, those who want it, inshAllah find it. Those who cry out towards the true Creator for true guidance and do not consciously suppress their instinct for the search of truth are indeed led on the right path. Based on the interviews of Christian, Jewish and Hindu converts, when they have looked at Islam beyond the propaganda of the media, acceptance of its truth and its beauty came naturally.